Regitse Cecillie Rosenvinge


It is Monday, July 12, and I am glad to welcome you to the first episode of Season 5. When I started this little project, I reached out to my existing network asking for interviews. Hospitality individuals whom I worked with in the past or met during my travels to different parts of the world. Due to COVID, there was no travel anymore, no more face-to-face conversations, exhibitions, meetings whatsoever. Therefore, I made no new connections for a long time.

However, today after more than six months of the “Monday motivation – Felix asks”, I am extremely thankful for all the new connections I have made thanks to this project. Passionate people within the travel and hospitality industry, and I cannot wait to share their fantastic stories with you.

In today's episode, I would like to introduce you to one of those new connections. We are not going far, to Berlin, the capital and largest city of Germany with 3.8 million inhabitants. My guest today is originally from Denmark and was named one of the 50 most influential leaders in hospitality by the International Hospitality Institute, along with high profiles like Chip Conley, Frank Marrenbach, Ian Schrager or Jerry Inzerillo, to name a few.

Please welcome the founder of Room22.Agency, Regitse Cecillie Rosenvinge. Regitse is a hospitality professional with more than a decade of experience creating content and coaching businesses in the hospitality and travel industry.

Although we have not yet met in person, I have been to the office of one of her former employers at least – the Traveller Made Agency “Peacock Travel” in Copenhagen, while I was covering the Scandinavian market. 

Regitse and I talked about her company Room22.Agency, her passion for storytelling and what hospitality means to her. We talked about the diversity that our industry has to offer, and we both agree that it is the greatest industry on earth. Regitse also shared two pieces of valuable advice that were shared with her. Her book recommendation is already on my “must-read” list. I hope you enjoy reading the interview that is full of inspirational quotes. 

Question 1: Can you please tell us a bit about Room22.Agency? Where did the idea come from, and can you give us some insights into your hospitality background?

Regitse Cecillie Rosenvinge (RCR): “I've been working with travel and tourism brands for most of my adult life. My passion for service excellence came to life when I lived in Switzerland in my early 20's, and after that, I studied Service Management in Copenhagen. Although I tried a few different career paths, I always returned to the travel industry. When I was in my mid-20's, I became a freelance travel journalist for a Danish lifestyle magazine. At the same time, I launched my travel blog, which won a global award a few years later. And then in 2018, I decided it was time for a new chapter; I wanted to work with two of my passions, hotels and storytelling. I started as a content creator and writer, helping my clients manage their social media channels and website content. Today, I still offer content creation, but my key services are 1:1 online coaching and workshops, which enable my clients to be in charge of their online marketing activities. The shift into education has been very interesting for me. I trained as a mindset coach a few years ago, and I'm able to use a lot of that in my coaching sessions.” 

Question 2: What does hospitality mean to you?

Hospitality is sort of a gateway to another dimension, an escape from everyday life. And to me, it’s the greatest industry on Earth.

RCR: “I stumbled across this quote once; "Hospitality is making people feel at home, even though you wish they were". To me, that sums it up quite well; truly understanding and acknowledging the needs of your guests. Simply making them feel seen and cared for. Hospitality, in its essence, isn't complicated at all, but it has a lot to do with psychology. The feeling you get when entering the revolving doors of a glistening hotel lobby, being greeted by the staff and realising you've entered a different world; that feeling can't be compared to anything else. Hospitality is sort of a gateway to another dimension, an escape from everyday life. And to me, it's the greatest industry on Earth.”

Hospitality is making people feel at home, even though you wish they were

Question 3: Can you please share an anecdote you have experienced that shows the variety and beauty of our industry? Maybe during one of your travels or one of your training? 

I think the most beautiful thing about our industry is the diversity. People from all cultures and corners of the world can create a career in hospitality if they want to.

RCR: “I think the most beautiful thing about our industry is the diversity. People from all cultures and corners of the world can create a career in hospitality if they want to. With determination and dedication, people can create wonderful careers in hospitality. During most of my trips abroad, I always connected with hospitality professionals who are passionate about service and people. Some of them became friends for life. You can only thrive in this industry if you have an open mind and if you're genuinely curious about your fellow human beings. I think that's a beautiful thing in itself.”

Question 4: Have you had a mentor in your career? Who was it, and did she/he give you a piece of advice that you still follow?

RCR: “I did receive mentoring and coaching from a few individuals throughout my career, but only for shorter periods. I often ended up being the mentor or coach myself. I love coaching, which is why I made it a cornerstone of my business.

I received two pieces of valuable advice from people in my network that I respect and admire. The first one is "Stay focused and keep busy with your mission. What others do is none of your business". The second one is "Always stay true to yourself and listen to what your heart desires". It may sound like a cliché, but it's the truth. If you manage to focus on your path and at the same time, learn to listen to your gut feeling, not much can go wrong.”

Always stay true to yourself and listen to what your heart desires.

Question 5: What would you like to say to a hospitality/ tourism student/professional who recently started his/her career, at this right moment?

RCR: “Carry out your work with passion - or don't do it at all. Strive to learn as much about the industry as you can. Honour the traditions but find ways to innovate.”

Carry out your work with passion - or don’t do it at all.

Question 6: Do you have a book recommendation - this could be everything from a novel to an autobiography, etc. 

RCR: “My bedside table is full of books I still need to read - I love books, but seldom have the time to finish one. If you love hospitality and service, I can recommend "The Heart of Hospitality" by Micah Solomon. Some of the world's most celebrated hotel- and hospitality leaders share their "secrets" to what good service is truly made of. Very interesting and full of value.”

Question 7: Which other industry expert would you like to see to answer these questions as well? 

RCR: “A personality like Chip Conley, who is one of the founders of the boutique hotel movement, would be interesting. He's also a strategic advisor for Airbnb, so it would be interesting to hear what he has to say about trends and tendencies :)” 

Question 8: What is your must-try/ must-see (e.g. bar, restaurant, sight etc.) in Berlin? 

RCR: “Make a day trip to beautiful Potsdam, which is located 45 minutes from Berlin. The baroque gardens and castles are wonderful, especially if the weather's nice.”

Regitse, thank you for taking the time to share your experience, and I look forward to meeting you in person. You are welcome at any time here at Lake Tegernsee.

Happy Monday, and don't forget to #sharepositivestories.


Alka Winter


Boris Vrnoga