Mazilli Restrepo Serna

It is Monday, January 24 and, I am glad to welcome you to the first episode of Monday Motivation – Felix asks in 2022. A crazy year lies behind us and, while almost the entire industry was on still stand 12 months ago, it is much more fun right now to scroll through peoples Instagram and LinkedIn feeds. Especially as you can see people travelling again and fantastic people all around the world are opening stunning properties. Kudos to Edouard Grosmangin with the beautiful Rosewood Sao Paulo, Hector Vericel with Bulgari Paris or Aisling Jennings with the first appearance of 25hours outside of Europe.

It is also great to see LinkedIn filled with posts about promotions and new roles. It looks like positive stories (at least in our industry) are taking over social media again; to keep the momentum, please continue to #sharepositivestories.

For me, 2022 is all about positivity & heartiness. Taking this into consideration I thought, the perfect candidate to kick-off 2022 is someone with endless energy, an unbeatable positive mindset and a great friend. Please welcome today the person I was lucky to share an office with, for almost two years at The Savoy and the newly appointed Director of the Accor Luxury Global Sales for UK, Spain & Scandinavia. Ms Mazilli Restrepo Serna.

In today´s episode, we talked about the start of Mazillis career in London, where she has worked for some of the finest hotels in the city. The interview shows the importance of good leaders in our industry. People that fully trust you so you can grow. Mazilli had these special people throughout her career that you can read in questions 1 and 4.

We talked about her definition of hospitality and, she shared her advice with the next generation.

In case you are here to get a little beauty advice (did I already mention that we shared an office?) like how to enhance your natural tan, you should definitely read the full interview. Mazilli also recommended her favourite books, her number one bartender and her favourite restaurant in London.

Enjoy the read and, if you would like to receive a summary of every season, do not forget to sign up for the newsletter.

Question 1: Can you take us through your career? Where did you start and what do you love most about your current role?

Mazilli Restrepo (MR): “Let me start by saying that I wanted to become a paediatrician, how happy am I that it didn’t turn out that way!

I started my hospitality career back in 2007, straight after finishing my Bachelors Hospitality Management Degree, as a Sales Co-ordinator at The Westbury Hotel, in Mayfair - London.

Within 3 years I had been promoted to Corporate Sales Manager for UK and Scandinavia markets. I grew up in Stockholm, Sweden, so the language was and is a huge advantage.

After my time at The Westbury, I was looking for a new challenge, my curiosity for cross-selling various properties came to life, and I then got a job as Regional Sales Manager – UK for Guoman & Thistle Hotels (now days known as Amba Hotels). After 2years within this role, I was approached by Tanna Swan, Director at Stretch Recruitment and now a dear friend, for a role at the prestigious Maybourne Hotel Group, where I would spend the next 3 years and where I transitioned into Luxury Leisure Sales – UK and Scandinavia, offered to me by my boss at the time Natalie Kjellstrom, whom I will always be thankful to for seeing my true calling, which is the Luxury Leisure Sector.

After Maybourne I spent another 3 years at Bulgari Hotel in Knightsbridge, as a Senior Sales Manager – Europe working alongside Sebastien Legrand, previous Director of Sales, I then left to become Director of Luxury Sales – Europe at The Savoy by January 3rd, 2018.

These past 4 years The Savoy for me has been an institution of teamwork, memorable experiences, joyful moments and personal growth, which have in turn prepared me for an amazing new opportunity as I will be transitioning into Accor Luxury Global Sales for UK, Spain and Scandinavia, effective Wednesday, 26th January 2022. I am very happy to remain a part of the Accor family. Exciting times ahead.”

Question 2: What does hospitality mean to you?

MR: “Hospitality is a strong-rooted feeling, a strong sense of passion for turning moments into memories. Hospitality is an industry that offers a devoted bespoke service, diversity, inclusion, it allows us to see and experience the world through the eyes of others, and most of all building long-lasting relationships, as our true authentic selves.”

 Question 3: Can you please share an anecdote you experienced, that shows the variety and beauty of our industry? 

MR: “Within these past 15 years in the industry, there has definitely been many, there is however one that comes to mind: I was on holiday in the Maldives, the first morning at breakfast I saw there were all types of freshly squeezed juices at the buffet counter, except for carrot juice. I always drink a glass of carrot juice whilst on holiday, as it enhances your natural tan (a little tip for the ladies and men :) ) I remember asking the waiter, but they didn’t have it available. Every morning after that, for the next 7 days, the waiter came to me as soon as he saw me arriving, with my freshly squeezed glass of carrot juice. It might be a surprise to many, as they might find it ‘insignificant’ but it is in the small details that the bigger picture often comes alive. I believe that Hospitality is all about going beyond our clients/guests expectations and fulfilling their needs, without them having to ask twice.”

Question 4: Have you had a mentor/role model/hero in your career? Who was it and did she/he gave you a piece of advice you still follow? What was the most powerful advice you have received so far?

MR: “I will need to mention two people here if I may:

-          Sebastien Legrand – previous Director of Sales at Bulgari Hotel London. He always pushed me to do better. He always believed in my true potential, and for what I am forever grateful.

-          Linda Hodgson – Current Commercial Director at The Savoy, whom I currently report to. She has always been so encouraging and my light in the darkest moments, she is for me, my biggest supporter. She advised me to always believe in myself, as my inner self-believe can overcome any obstacle.

-          The most powerful advise has been from Philip M. Barnes, previous MD at The Savoy – ‘ I do not pay your salaries, the clients/guests do. Always make sure the guests/clients leave happy.”

I do not pay your salaries, the clients/guests do. Always make sure the guests/clients leave happy.
— Philip M. Barnes

Question 5: What would you like to say to a hospitality/ tourism student/professional who recently started his/her career, at this right moment?

MR: “The hospitality industry has taken a hard hit in the past 2 years, nevertheless it has never been more important to:

-          Never take anything personally

-          Always make sure the client leaves happy

-          Be your true authentic self, your personality is your power!”

Question 6: Do you have a book recommendation - this could be everything from a novel to an autobiography, etc

MR: “I could name a few, but I will give you these:

-          Daring Greatly – Rene Brown

-          7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R Covey

-          Becoming – Michelle Obama”

Question 7: Which other industry expert would you like to see to answer these questions as well? And what question would you ask him/her?

MR: “Linda Hodgson – The Savoy London / How do you define luxury?

Question 8: What is your favorite place/bar/restaurant in London? 

MR: “There are so many, right now however I would have to go for Sushi Samba – I love everything about it. I guess it has to do with my Colombian side, and its South American influence, it has atmosphere, style, impressive views (38th floor) I absolutely love the quality of the sushi and the service is amazing and friendly.”

Who is your favourite bartender? :)

“I need to give this one to my partner Nicolas Medicamento. We meet at The Savoy almost 3 years ago, when he was working in the American Bar, he now has his own company called Doctor Cocktail Ltd. As we say ‘You don’t just stay at The Savoy, The Savoy stays with You’ “

Question 9: What is your favourite hotel to stay and why?

MR: “I have been lucky enough to experience a few worldwide; I wouldn’t say I have a favourite. I believe that the beauty of our industry is to have endless choices of amazing properties to choose from, depending on the type of experience you are looking for in that moment.”

Question 10: What do you want to learn in 2022?

MR: “I have a long list. For me 2022 is about growing into my new role, immersing in the creative and marketing side of the business and putting my own flavour on it. I am very excited for what is yet to come. As I always say, ‘The best is yet to come, just BELIEVE’”

Mazilli, thank you for taking the time. It was a great pleasure and I cannot wait to see you again.

Please, do not forget to #sharepositivestories


Aali Ghufran


Robert Kmita