Emma Parfitt

Emma Parfitt

In today’s episode, I am delighted to introduce you to Emma Parfitt, the Area Director of Marketing Communications at the Dorchester. Within her career, Emma has worked already for some of the most luxurious brands in hospitality and travel, from the editorial team for BA High Life Magazine and Business Life Magazine to The Bulgari Hotel & Residences, The Savoy, and now, The Dorchester, including Coworth Park and 45 Park Lane.

 The idea of this series is to just ask 6 questions, to make it a quick read – but Emma could easily fill pages with her stories. During our little interview, she gave a glimpse into her world - the magic of PR & Communications within a luxury world.

While PR & Marketing always sounds like fun, being creative, and meeting the most amazing people, there is a lot more it takes to have a successful execution. It needs a lot of dedication and resilience to bring projects to life.

While working with Emma, I always admired her focus and calm. She empowered her team around her and is a true leader. She always led by example and you feel that it is not just a job, but her passion.

I hope you will enjoy the read and please feel free to comment your questions below, I am sure Emma will be happy to reply as well.

Question 1: Where did you start your career?

Emma Parfitt (EP): “I began my career on the editorial team for BA High Life Magazine and Business Life Magazine as an editorial assistant. I was lucky enough to visit some incredible luxury hotels to review them for the magazine and that’s where my passion for hospitality developed. When an opportunity came up to join the PR team at The Dorchester, I jumped at it and so my career in hospitality began.”

Question 2: What means hospitality to you?

EP: “A place where talented and creative individuals come together with one united purpose… to take care of others and make them feel special!”

Question 3: Can you please share an anecdote you experienced, that shows the variety and beauty of our industry?

EP: “Hotels are places of stories so there are many I could share. Some fun ones that spring to mind… the Butler who had to source Zebra milk for a VIP guest; the concierge who once lent his shoes to Stephen Hawking as he left the hotel for an awards do; the time I had to hide a film crew of 20 and all their equipment from a disgruntled guest in a very small bedroom.”

Question 4: Have you had a mentor in your career? Who was it and did she/he give you an advice you still follow?

EP: “Kerry Smith. I was her editorial assistant when she was editor of High Life Magazine. I was so junior yet she had total faith in my ability and went out of her way to ensure I developed in my role. She taught me a huge amount and I’ll always be so grateful to her for taking me under her wing and believing in me. We’re still friends to this day. Throughout my time in hospitality, there have been a great deal of people who have taught me so much and who I respect enormously too. One of the best things about being in hospitality is the diversity of people you get to work with, all with different passions and talents and who are always so generous with their expertise.”

Question 5: What would you like to say to a hospitality student/ a hospitality professional who recently started their career, right now?

EP: “Be prepared for the industry to really get under your skin… it won’t just be your job, it will be your passion.”

Question 6: Do you have a book recommendation - this could be everything from a novel to an autobiography, etc. 

EP: “Books are my passion so I could recommend many! The best book I’ve read this year is Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo. One book that I have on my shelf waiting for my attention is The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – I’ve lost count of the number of people who have recommended this to me and I’m ashamed that I haven’t read it yet. I’m determined to before the year is out.“

Dear Emma, thank you so much for taking your time and sharing your experiences and stories with us.


Julian R. Haddon


Arian Röhrle