Eike Clausen

Eike Clausen

It is Monday, 2 August, and I am happy to welcome you to Season 5, Episode 4 of “Monday motivation, Felix asks”. In today's episode, I am taking you to the tenth smallest country in the world – the Republic of Malta. While the capital of Malta is Valletta, my guest is working on the island of Gozo, where he oversees the Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz. The hotel consists of 137 rooms and suites, in addition to a range of dining venues. It is also known for its authentic Ayurveda center, one of the largest in The Mediterranean.

Please help me welcome General Manager, Eike Clausen. Eike and I met on numerous occasions at the Arabic Travel Mart in Dubai, and I am thankful that he took the time to share his experience. What stands out when you look at Eike's Curriculum Vitae is his loyalty to the Kempinski brand. He briefly mentioned it during the interview, but I believe in loyalty and love the fact that Eike started his career with Kempinski in 2007 as a trainee and is now

General Manager. We discussed the two meanings of hospitality, interesting anecdotes from his time in Jordan, and his two mentors Mr. Interthal, GM & Cluster GM at Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest and Mr. Henk Meyknecht.

Eike also shared his advice for the younger generation with a book recommendation. Besides his leadership and entrepreneurial books, he recommended a book that is on my “next-read” list already.

For everyone that has plans to travel to Gozo, Eike also shared his must-sees for the island.

I hope you enjoy the read, and please do not forget to #sharepositivestories.

Question 1: Where did you start your career? What do you love most about your current role?

Eike Clausen (EC): “After graduating from university, I started at Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin as a trainee in the sales department in 2007. Since then, I have been with Kempinski and am now working at my sixth property. So far it has been a highly rewarding and enriching career. The opportunity to live and work in different countries is one aspect that I truly love about the hospitality industry. Over the years I was able to establish long-lasting friendships with previous colleagues, guests, and business partners which I cherish to this day.

What I love most about my current role, as General Manager at Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz is that it allows me to work with an extremely dynamic, young, and motivated management team with whom we can shape the future of this beautiful property. The hotel has endless potential, and we can exhaust our entrepreneurship and creativity here.”

Question 2: What does hospitality mean to you?

EC: “The meaning of hospitality is two-fold to me. First, it is about the team that you work with. Once you ensure that you are surrounded by a strong and engaged team, these team members will carry on your spirit and ensure that our guests are not only satisfied but their expectations are exceeded.  Secondly, the beauty of our industry is that every day is different, and we never have a dull moment. We are facing daily new challenges as well as opportunities to delight our esteemed guests.”

Question 3: Can you please share an anecdote you experienced, that shows the variety and beauty of our industry?

The beauty of our industry lies in its diversity. This refers to team members and guests, but also our daily operations.

EC: “The beauty of our industry lies in its diversity. This refers to team members and guests, but also our daily operations. One example; in November 2017 when I was working in Jordan, we were hosting a large birthday party of an HNWI, followed by a Disney movie production including Will Smith and Guy Ritchie then back-to-back with a head of a state delegation that came for a hunting trip in the desert. It was an extremely successful month for us; besides it was just great fun to the team on top of their toes organizing all the different requirements and eventually seeing the guests departing happily.”

Question 4: Have you had a mentor in your career? Who was it and did she/he give you a piece of advice you still follow?

EC: “Yes, I was truly fortunate to have two mentors throughout my career. Stephan Interthal, who is extremely gifted and senior General Manager at Kempinski, started giving me opportunities to grow early in my career. At a later stage, I had also the pleasure of working with Henk Meyknecht. Henk’s credo was always about adding value. It is critical to identify one or two long-term strategies to innovate and to diversify your property from the rest of the market. I am still in close contact with both and am very grateful for their mentorship and guidance.”

It is critical to identify one or two long-term strategies to innovate and to diversify your property from the rest of the market.

Question 5: What would you like to say to a hospitality/ tourism student/professional who recently started his/her career, at this right moment?

Don’t worry too much!

EC: “Don´t worry too much! This very difficult time for our industry will pass. Continue to be passionate about what you are doing, outperform and take risks from time to time, and you will have a fantastic career in the best industry there is.”

Question 6: Do you have a book recommendation – this could be everything from a novel to an autobiography, etc.

EC: “I don’t have one specific recommendation. Most of the time I am reading leadership and entrepreneurial literature, such as Gung-Ho, one minute manager, who moved my Cheese, Blue Ocean Strategy, etc. Currently, I am reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdaine as it was recommended to me by one of the EHL professors. A fun book to read.”

Question 7: What is your must-try/ must-see (e.g., bar, restaurant, attraction etc.) on Gozo?

EC: “Gozo is known for its beautiful nature and the sea. I would recommend a nice hike around the island and swimming in Wied Al Ghasri and Hondoq Bay. Some beers and pasta in Qala or Nadur would be rounding up a beautiful day in the sun.”

Thank you, Eike, for taking the time & see you soon at ATM Dubai, Gozo or here at Lake Tegernsee.



Zee Bassila


Marc Almert