Anja Halama

Anja Halama


It is Monday, June 14, and I am happy to welcome you to the 4th episode of Season 4 of “Monday motivation – Felix asks”. In today's episode, we are going to Cologne, the largest city in Germany's most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia, with 1.1 million inhabitants. My guest today has more than 25 years of experience in tourism and specifically in the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events) market. I am glad to welcome Anja Halama, Business Development and Senior Project Lead at Intercom – Die Veranstaltungsagentur

Intercom was founded in 1963, and over the last sixty-odd years, the agency grew to 55 employees with offices in Cologne, Dresden, and Hamburg. Since its inception, the team has organized more than 16,000 Events worldwide, for partners such as Bayer, Coca-Cola, Nikon, to name a few. 

Anja joined Intercom Cologne in 2002 and has been with the company ever since. During the interview, we discussed the start of her career and her definition of hospitality. She also shared some fascinating anecdotes that she experienced during her career, and despite giving a mere glimpse of the stories, vivid pictures of the situation were easy to imagine. These reflect the wide scenarios and varieties of this job and the challenges that one must overcome.

However, when these situations are dealt with, they become fond memories like the story “Eva-Maria Panzer” told us about her Fam Trip with journalists from Israel to Jordan. She concluded by saying; “Still today when I meet one of the participants, we can’t help laughing our heads off about this crazy and memorable trip.”

Anja gave some advice to the next generation and shared a few book recommendations, one of which has been on my reading list for such a long time, and almost every week a new book is added to the list!

I am sure you will enjoy today's read, and please do not forget to #sharepositivestories.

Question 1: Where did you start your career? What do you love most about your current role?

Anja Halama (AH): “After my Business Management and Tourism studies, I started to work in a German MICE agency. That was in the middle of the nineties. And even in my studies, the words INCENTIVE and EVENT were new and unknown.

I always wanted to travel, meet other people, and explore destinations & cultures. This is what I still love. After all these years, I am deeply grateful for the experiences I got out of my job. I like to share my expertise with others.

Question 2: What does hospitality mean to you?

AH: “I started early to “serve” others: as a waitress or fair hostess during my studies, later as a project manager in an incentive house. My aim was always to bring a smile to the faces of our guests and to make people happy!”

Question 3: Can you please share an anecdote you experienced, that shows the variety and beauty of our industry? 

AH: “There are many – and not only nice experiences as – for example – I had to handle an incentive group in Cuba during the mourning of Fidel Castro or in Marrakesh after the king passed away – both trips without any luggage. I stranded in Vancouver for a week after 9/11, 2001 – ALONE – the incentive group was supposed to arrive one day later.

I was challenged to organize a VIP incentive for 150 Germans at Seychelles – with only 6 German-speaking tour guides and a few busses that fit for a maximum of 16 guests… 

One of my first incentives led me to Atlanta during the Olympics 1996 – one week after the bomb attack – with a lot of consequent changes on site. BUT with great memories: In Atlanta and four years later in Sidney, not only our guests had the chance to see and feel the spirit of the games. I am still a fan of all kinds of national and international sports events.”

Question 4: “Have you had a mentor in your career? Who was it, and did she/he give you a piece of advice you still follow?”

AH: “There is not that ONE mentor in my career. In more than 25 years, I met many interesting people inside and outside our industry. I had many opportunities to acquire new skills and to build a great network. Of course, I am still grateful that my first boss and my first clients trusted in me – as a “greenhorn” without any experience in the MICE industries. And I deeply appreciate my MICE network to rely on.

Question 5: “What would you like to say to a hospitality/ tourism student/professional who recently started his/her career, at this right moment?”

AH: “There is so much to see and experience in our beautiful world. I am sure that with passion and flexibility, it is always the right moment to work in tourism. And there is a lot to do – with a view to sustainability...” 

Question 6: Do you have a book recommendation - this could be everything from a novel to an autobiography, etc. 

AH: “Oh yes, there are many. I like autobiographies and as a soccer fan, I must admit that I read books on Pep Guardiola, Uli Hoeness…

An amazing book I read last year was Shoe Dog, the biography of Phil Knight, the founder of Nike.

Beyond that, I have always been interested in history and like books from the past – more than science fiction.

I also listen to podcasts.”

Optional: Which industry expert would you like to see to answer these questions as well? 

AH: “Two ideas:

Kerstin Hoffmann-Wagner - Event Consultant, Trainer, Author and Initiator of #WomenInEvents DACH  

Sandra Helmstaedter – Expert of Mice Online Distribution at MARITIM Hotelgesellschaft, EventProf”

Optional: What is your favorite travel destination and where would you stay there? 

AH: “Susan Sontag: “I Haven't Been Everywhere, But It's On My List

Most important is my travel companion!”

Dear Anja, I cannot wait to sit with you again, ideally in one of our beautiful restaurants at the Althoff Seehotel Überfahrt, to hear more of your stories. And to talk shop about our industries, the challenges and opportunities we are facing in 2021, and so much more. Thank you for your time and see you soon. 



Bastien Blanc


Miret Padovani